AHIMA Professional Practice Experience Workbook

Patient Request for Health Information

Patient Information (Please Print) First Name:

Middle Initial.

Last Name: Harper


Name at Time ofTreatment (if different than above): Date ofBirth (MM/DD/YYYY):

, Pho l!. e: Enter Exercise# as area codeE-mail (optional):

08/08/1965 Street Address:

En�_er 7-digit AHIMA ID


I Zip:

I State: PA



10504 Stoney Brook Lane

What records do you want'? (Check appropriate boxes below): Date(s) of Service:�/ �;2007 through�/ �;2007 0Discharge Summary 0Emergency Room Records □ operative/Procedure Reports □ Billing Records 0Test Results (X-Rays, Lab/Pathology Results) Please specify· ___________________ Oother (Immunization Records, Medication Lists) Please specify: _________________ _ How would you like your records delive1·ed'? 0Paper 0Home Delivery 0Tn-Person Pickup □ Electronic (Email, USB, CD, Portal, Other) Please specify· ______________ W ere do vou want the information sent? (Fill in boxes below): · , �["!U f1�P should provide my records to: 0Self D Personal Representative (indicated below) Recipient Name� Recipient Phone: Alex Harper Recipient Fax: Recipient Mailing Address: Recipient E-mail (if applicable): 10504 Stoney Brook Lane AHarper@ameritech.net

Please print your name and sign below:

IQ Ill/(


PI ease return comp1e e orm o: I t d f t

E-mail: AHIMA Medical Center - HIM Department 123 Record:: Fax: (312) 221-1801 Questions? AHIMA Medical Center

recognizes a patient's right under HJPAA to access copies of his/her health information.

There may he charges associated with pmcessi11g a request and pmduci11g requesred recnrds. �,;-�R... Number of Pages: Two Chart Location: ··

7,�; i,. II �fJL./ Y�s

Delivery Method: Mail

Main Reason for Request: Continuing Care

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